NOTE: Typically, a company that provides SEO services focuses their efforts on the Home page of a website, improving the relevance of the text, titles, images, of the content on the Home page. Whereas, our structural optimisations focus on the product pages of the website, like the Product Details and Product List pages of the website.
Enhance SEO for your Website
While we do not offer SEO services, our websites are structurally optimised with SEO in mind.
Keep in mind that Google can make changes to their search algorithms semi regularly.
Structural Optimisations
There are three locations where you can enhance SEO in Straightsell:
Our recommendation, include keyword relevant text, terms that people will actually search for, and brand names in your product category names.
Other Recommendations
- Post a news or blog article at least monthly (weekly preferred), and use keyword relevant text in the title, summary and article details. It could be a simple article on new products, or new brands, or latest specials
- Create a Google Search Console account (previously Google Webmaster Tools) (https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/, and What is Search Console?) and 'Add a Property' using the preferred domain set as the www.domain-name.com.au, to ensure page rank is counted on only the www.domain-name.com.au and also not on the http://domain-name.com.au.
- Generate and load an XML Sitemap (Crawl > Sitemaps), use an online generator, or download one (search for xml sitemap generator), we used https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ the last two times for the www.straightsell.com.au website
- Review the Google Search Console for the Property on a monthly basis, and in particular resolve the Crawl Errors by assigning 301 Redirects (more information on 301 redirects) to website pages that exist
- Create a Google Analytics account (https://www.google.com.au/analytics/analytics/#?modal_active=none) and add the Tracking Code to your Straightsell website
- Link your Google Analytics account with your Google Search Console property see Configuring Search Console data in Analytics
- Review the Google Analytics for the website on a monthly basis