- Post a news or blog article at least monthly (weekly preferred), and use keyword relevant text in the title, summary and article details. It could be a simple article on new products, or new brands, or latest specials
- Create a Google Search Console account (previously Google Webmaster Tools) (https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/, and What is Search Console?) and 'Add a Property' using the preferred domain is set as the www.domain-name.com.au, to ensure page rank is counted on only the www.domain-name.com.au and also not on the http://domain-name.com.au.
- Generate and load an XML Sitemap (Crawl > Sitemaps), use an online generator, or download one (search for xml sitemap generator), we used https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ the last two times for the www.straightsell.com.au website
- Review the Google Search Console for the Property on a monthly basis, and in particular resolve the Crawl Errors by assigning 301 Redirects (more information on 301 redirects) to website pages that exist
- Create a Google Analytics account (https://www.google.com.au/analytics/analytics/#?modal_active=none) and add the Tracking Code to your Straightsell website
- Link your Google Analytics account with your Google Search Console property see Configuring Search Console data in Analytics
- Review the Google Analytics for the website on a monthly basis