Info |
Note: a page not in use will have all its value settings set to false |
- Change all the false values to true
- If you don't want a link to the new page in the header you can leave the first two values as false
- If you don't want a link to the new page in the footer you can leave the last two values as false
- Define a Page Name value and a URL value, in the example below:
- Page Name value is set to Our Partners
- URL value is set to site/pages/our_partners
Info |
Note: the URL value should be the Page Name value in lower case and _ in places of spaces. DO NOT CHANGE OR DELETE the site/pages/ segment. |
- Click Save
For v9-11 Websites
Info |
IMPORTANT: If site/config/menu_parameters does NOT look like the below, please refer to the instructions for v12+ websites |