Navigate to Content Management > News Articles
- Click Add News
- Title: define a title for your news article
- Thumbnail Image Path: select an image to display on the news list page (optional)
- Image Path: select an image to display at in the end body of the news article (optional)
- Date: select a date that will display as the publish date
- Default Location: does not need to be set
- ArticleContent: enter the text for your news article here
- Standard functionality for the WYSIWYG applies here - you can insert images, links, tables, media
Edit a News Article
- Click View/Edit next next to the article to edit it.
- Change the information as desired.
- Click Save.
Navigate to Content Management > Blog
- Click Add Blog Entry
- Title: define a title for your news article
- URL: define the URL segment for your blog article e.g. blogarticle will generate a URL of 'https://standarddesign-fullwidth.straightsell.com.au/blog/2018/11/14/blogarticle'
- List Image PathThumbnail: select an image to display on the blog list page
- Author: define an author of the article
- Status: set to Edit Mode (will not publish on saving) or Live (will publish on saving)
- Date: select a date that will display as the publish date
- New Categories: define a category here to place the blog article in if it does not already exist
- Existing Categories: select an existing category to place the blog article into
- Summary: define a summary of the blog article to appear on the blog list page
- Blog TextContent: enter the text for your blog article here
- Standard functionality for the WYSIWYG applies here - you can insert images, links, tables, media
Edit a Blog Article
- Click View/Edit next next to the article.
- Edit the blog article as desired.
- Click Save.