Editing Multiple Items
You can use CatalogueLINK's View/Edit, Excel or Apply Data functions to edit products after they have been imported from the accounting system.
This is useful when you have restrictions on what changes you can make to products in the accounting system.
For Apply Data specifically you can use one of the following types of searches to locate the products you wish to edit:
- Item Field begins with
- Item Field starts with
- Item Field contains
- Item Field is equal to
- In this case, we searched for products where Item Name starts with Cooler, which returned six results:
- You can use Apply Data to make changes to products in the search results by selecting All Fields currently displayed in grid and entering the data you wish to apply.
- If you check the Add to data conversion rules checkbox any future products imported from the accounting system will also have the data applied.
Editing Individual Items
- Highlight the item you wish to view.
- Click the ’View/Edit’ button.
- The WYSIWYG editor allows you to format text as you would in a word processer such as Microsoft Word before converting it into valid HTML/CSS mark-up.
- Click the button next to the field you wish to edit.
- Enter and format text as desired.
- Click ’Save’ when editing is complete.