Slideshow Images and Links
Sideshow images come in two sizes depending on your Straightsell Website configuration.
These are easily replaceable and can link to pages on your website or simply display as an image.
Uploading Slideshow images is a two-step process. The first step requires modifying a text file named SlideshowLinks.txt which controls how many images will be displayed.
- Go to Documents & Images – Simple Search.
- Select /documents/slideshow or /documents/slideshow_fullwidth and click List All Files.
- Locate SlideshowLinks.txt and click Download.
- Open the file.
The first line in SlideshowLinks.txt must be slideURL.
- Each subsequent line should have a hash (#) character to display an image, OR a link to a page your website.
- In the below example, the first slideshow image will link to a page on the website, specifically
- The second and third images will display but not link anywhere as they have hashes, not a link.
- Upload the modified SlideshowLinks.txt file into /documents/slideshow or /documents/slideshow_fullwidth
The second step is uploading your new Slideshow images to replace your existing images:
Slideshow Image Parameters:
- 870px width x 230px height (normal) OR 1920px width x 500px height (full width)
- Name the images slideshow_1.jpg through slideshow_9.jpg
To upload the image, log in to the Straightsell Control Panel and navigate to:
- Content Management > Documents & Images
- Select the Upload tab
- Choose the folder /documents/slideshow_fullwidth - FOR FULL WIDTH STYLE
- Choose the folder /documents/slideshow - FOR OTHER STYLE
- Click Browse and select your image file (or zip file if uploading multiple files)
- Check the Publish box and Uncheck the Optimise JPEGs box
- Click Upload File