Setup Email Alerts

Setup Email Alerts

With CatalogueLINK Upload version CL 3.0.23 or later you can configure email alerts to be sent to an email address of your choosing should an upload or download fail.

Email alerts will be sent when the following occurs:

  • Upload
    • Automation was unable to run because Automation was already running
    • CatalogueLINK cannot connect to the accounting system
    • Critical/stop error on import
    • Critical/stop error on upload
    • Critical/stop error on load
    • No items found on import
  • Download
    • If a customer/order/payment fails to export more than three times - this will only be sent once per day

We would recommend creating a dummy Gmail or outlook.com account that is used for no other purpose other than to send these email alerts.

NOTE: If your company is using Microsoft Exchange, then you will need to engage with your email administrator and have them provide the details for this to work, including:

  • Setting up an email account to send CatalogueLINK email alerts, and
  • Enabling the email account setup to be used by a 3rd party app and SMTP.

Gmail setup:

To configure these alerts go to Setup > Catalogue Account Details and fill in the following fields:

  • Mail Server - the mail server for Gmail is smtp-relay.gmail.com, if you use a different mail provider you will need to enter your mail server here
  • Email From - the email address of the 'sender' of the email alert
  • Password - the password for the above email address***
  • Email To - the email address that will receive the alerts

***You will need to configure this email address to allow 3rd party apps to send emails on its behalf.

From the Security section of your Google account you can allow 'Less secure app access' which will enable CatalogueLINK to send emails on behalf of this account:

outlook.com setup:

To configure these alerts go to Setup > Catalogue Account Details and fill in the following fields:

  • Mail Server - the mail server for outlook.com is smtp.office365.com, if you use a different mail provider you will need to enter your mail server here
  • Email From - the email address of the 'sender' of the email alert
  • Password - the password for the above email address***
  • Email To - the email address that will receive the alerts

***You will need to configure this email address to allow 3rd party apps to send emails on its behalf.

From the Security section of your outlook account you can allow 'Less secure app access' which will enable CatalogueLINK to send emails on behalf of this account: