Edit Your Header Image

The parameters to replace your website's header, logo and slideshow images depend on the template style you have.

Download a copy of the image you wish to replace so you have a backup in the event of an issue with the upload of your new image.

Standard Style

Standard Style Image Parameters:

  • 1200px width x 300px height
  • Name the image Header-Standard.jpg

To upload the image, log in to the Straightsell Control Panel and navigate to:

  • Content Management > Documents & Images
  • Select the Upload tab
  • Choose the folder /documents
  • Click Browse and select your image file
  • Check the Publish box and Uncheck the Optimise JPEGs box
  • Click Upload File

Full Width (Slideshow) Style

Full Width Style Image Parameters:

  • 1920px width x 500px height
  • Name the images slideshow_1.jpg through slideshow_9.jpg

Other Slideshow Image Parameters:

  • 870px width x 230px height
  • Name the images slideshow_1.jpg through slideshow_9.jpg

To upload the image, log in to the Straightsell Control Panel and navigate to:

  • Content Management > Documents & Images
  • Select the Upload tab
  • Choose the folder /documents/slideshow_fullwidth - FOR FULL WIDTH STYLE
  • Choose the folder /documents/slideshow - FOR OTHER STYLE
  • Click Browse and select your image file (or zip file if uploading multiple files)
  • Check the Publish box and Uncheck the Optimise JPEGs box
  • Click Upload File

Logo Style

Standard Style Image Parameters:

  • 260px width x 150px height
  • Name the image Header-Logo.jpg

To upload the image, log in to the Straightsell Control Panel and navigate to:

  • Content Management > Documents & Images
  • Select the Upload tab
  • Choose the folder /documents
  • Click Browse and select your image file
  • Check the Publish box and Uncheck the Optimise JPEGs box
  • Click Upload File

Mobile and Tablet Style

Standard Style Image Parameters:

  • 400px width x 100px height
  • Name the image Header-Mobile-Logo.jpg

To upload the image, log in to the Straightsell Control Panel and navigate to:

  • Content Management > Documents & Images
  • Select the Upload tab
  • Choose the folder /documents
  • Click Browse and select your image file
  • Check the Publish box and Uncheck the Optimise JPEGs box
  • Click Upload File