Supported Special Pricing for MYOB AccountRight Live
Supported Special Pricing for MYOB AccountRight Live
Price Levels
Price Levels can be assigned against an item from the Selling Details tab of an item (Command Centre > Inventory > Items List > Item Information)
- Item 560 Tea has been assigned descending prices for Price Levels A - F
Customers can be assigned a Price Level from the Selling Details tab of a customer (Command Centre > Card File > Cards List > Card Information)
- Customer Chris Davis has been assigned Price Level C which is $32.50 inc GST for item 560 Tea
- This can be seen on the website
Volume Breaks
Volume Break discounts can be assigned against an item from the Selling Details tab of an item (Command Centre > Inventory > Items List > Item Information)
- Item 560 Tea has been assigned descending prices for Price Levels A - F at a cheaper rate if more than 4 are purchased
- Customer Chris Davis has been assigned Price Level C which is $27.50 inc GST for item 560 Tea when more than 4 are purchased
Volume Discount %
Customers can be assigned a Volume Discount % from the Selling Details tab of a customer (Command Centre > Card File > Cards List > Card Information)
- This will apply to all current Price Levels and Volume Breaks
- Customer Chris Davis has been assigned Volume Discount % of 50%
- This can be seen on the website