Google Shopping Feed Addon

Google Shopping Feed Addon

Note: Integration with Google Feeds is an optional addon please contact support if you are interested in activating this for your website

Setting up Fields in your Accounting System

Three custom fields are used for your Google Feeds integration and will be created on your products in the web catalogue:

  • GoogleProduct - this can be mapped to a custom checkbox field in your accounting system and specifies which products to include in the feed
  • GoogleSetProductCategory - this can be mapped to a custom text field in your accounting system and is mandatory
    • This field should be populated with values from the google_product_category field from Google's specifications
  • GoogleProductCategory - this can be mapped to a custom text field in your accounting system but is optional
    • This can contain any text to categorise the product
    • If left blank it will use the website product categorisation
    • This field maps to the product_type field from Google's specifications

Using Google Feeds

This file will automatically generate four times a day as per Google's recommendations and will be made available on the following URL path documents/google_feed_live_tab.txt. The generated file will not be visible via the CMS > Content Management > Documents & Images function, it is only available on the URL path specified.

The file can also be manually re-generated and downloaded via the CMS:

  • Administration > File Upload/Download > Download Tab
  • Select Google Feeds File from the first drop-down menu

The file is a tab delimited text file.

Google File Specifications

More information on the specifics for each field in the file can be found here:

More information on GoogleSetProductCategory and GoogleProductCategory can be found here:

Google File Mapping

Google Field (see links above)Straightsell FieldMandatory
idProduct CodeYes
titleProduct NameYes
descriptionProduct DescriptionYes
image_linkwww.website.com/productimages/ProductCode.jpg - if existsYes
additional_image_linkwww.website.com/productimages/ProductCode_1.jpg - if existsNo
availabilityDepending on stock levels "in stock" or "out of stock", if a product has Allow Negative Quantities set to Yes, then it is reported as "in_stock"Yes
priceInc GST price from Pricing Calculator in AUDYes
google_product_categoryGoogleSetProductCategory - (check specifications for acceptable values, can leave blank)Yes for Apparel & Accessories (166), Media(783), and Software (2092) categories)
product_typeGoogleProductCategory - (if this is empty it takes your website categorisation)No
brandManufacturer NameYes (For all new products, except movies, books, and musical recording brands)
conditionDefaults to "new", can create a Custom Field named "condition" to assign on a product by product basis to either "new", or "refurbished" or "used"Yes
identifier existsDefaults to "no", automatically sets to "yes" when a "GTIN" Custom Field existsYes
GTINRequires a Custom Field named "GTIN" to be created to be included in the output file. Blank "GTIN" values are accepted on a product-by-product basisNo
MPNRequires a Custom Field named "MPN" to be created to be included in the output file. MPNs assigned by a manufacturerNo
product_lengthRequires a Custom Field named "GoogleLength" to be created to be included in the output file - support units are "cm" and "in" - example entry "20 cm" or "15 in"No
product_widthRequires a Custom Field named "GoogleWidth" to be created to be included in the output file - support units are "cm" and "in" - example entry "20 cm" or "15 in"No
product_heightRequires a Custom Field named "GoogleHeight" to be created to be included in the output file - support units are "cm" and "in" - example entry "20 cm" or "15 in"No
product_weightRequires a Custom Field named "GoogleWeight" to be created to be included in the output file - support units are "lb", "oz", "g", "kg"  - example entry "3.5 lb" or "5 kg"No

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