Website and CMS (Setup and Configuration)

Website and CMS (Setup and Configuration)

How Your Straightsell Website Works

Your Straightsell eCommerce website is linked to your accounting system via a software suite called CatalogueLINK containing two applications, CatalogueLINK Upload and CatalogueLINK Download. The flow of the integration data between your accounting system, CatalogueLINK and your website is as follows:


  • CatalogueLINK Upload imports Products, Customers, Pricing and invoices from the accounting system and gets it ready for the website
  • CatalogueLINK Upload uploads this information to your website.


  • CatalogueLINK Download downloads Orders, Payments and new Customer registrations from your website and prepares it for the accounting system
  • CatalogueLINK Download exports this information into the accounting system.

NOTE: Of course at this stage of the project, your accounting system is very unlikely to have website-ready information against all products.The first step to correcting this is to identify the information you want to display. Refer to the articles below for an explanation of many of the common data types.

The Next Steps

  • Identify the data types you want to display
  • Research if your accounting system needs additional fields set up to house data for use on the website. For example if you don’t have fields for product categories, or the size data used in Product Options. Speak with your Project Manager or training contact about this if unsure

See CatalogueLINK Upload (User Guides) prior to the CatalogueLINK Upload configuration session for an overview of how the program works

Getting Website Ready Data

The articles below will assist you in understanding how data is displayed on the website:

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