If your Catalogue Association File fails to upload, or it does not achieve the desired results, please follow these steps to ensure it has been configured correctly.
If after that it is still not working, please contact support.
Product Options vs. Product Addons
Product Options
Product Options are used when you have a set of products you wish to group together to display for customers (e.g. different sizes for the one product.
To first set this up, a few requirements must be met.
- One of the products is defined as the 'parent product' (generally the smallest or largest) ORĀ a dummy parent product is created in your accounting system
- The parent product's Item Name, Description and Brand are made generic to cover each of the child products
- An accounting system field is created to contain the size data displayed against the parent product (can either be in a drop down menu or displayed separately)
- A Catalogue Association File is filled out, linking the Parent Product to the Child Products (below is the correct layout of a Catalogue Association File used for Product Options)
ParentProductCode | ChildProductCode | Type | ChildPriority |
PRODUCT | PRODUCT_1 | option | 90 |
PRODUCT | PRODUCT_2 | option | 80 |
PRODUCT | PRODUCT_3 | option | 70 |
Note: The child product with the highest ChildPriority will appear first