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Enabling Order Approval

Order approval is enabled on a per buyer (Account) basis through Control Panel:

  • Go to Ecommerce > Manage Buyers and search for the Buyer you wish to enable order approval for
  • Click View against this buyer
  • Tick the Checkout Approvals box and click Update

When the 'Checkout Approvals' checkbox is ticked the default functionality of the buyer accounts change:

  • Administrator Users:
    • Only administrator buyer users have the ability to checkout a shopping cart
    • A new page ('View Checkout Requests') is visible from the account menu area
  • Standard Users:
    • Standard Users cannot checkout a shopping cart
    • A new section ('Submit a Cart For Approval') is available on the Saved Cart Account Menu page

The Order Approval Process

The order approval process consists of two basic parts:

  1. The Standard User submits a cart for the Administrative user to checkout
  2. The Administrative user either checks out or rejects the cart that the Standard User has requested for approval

Standard Users Process

This section details how the Standard User can submit a cart for administrator checkout.

Creation of a Saved Cart for Approval

In order for a Standard User to submit a cart to an Administrator for checkout approval they must first create a named saved cart. To do this:
Add products to the shopping cart and add line item comments as required
Give your cart a name and click 'Save Cart' and then 'OK' (see below)

Requesting Cart Checkout

The Standard User can request a cart checkout via the Account Menu's 'Saved Carts' area:
Click 'Saved Carts' from the Account Menu
From the 'Submit a Cart for Approval' section; do the following:

  • Select a cart from the dropdown (all carts in the 'Saved Cart' area can be selected)
  • Select the Administrator to checkout the cart (Any Administrator can be selected)
  • Click Submit when selection is complete
  • The administrator will be notified via email that the user has requested a cart checkout

Now that the checkout request is complete the cart is shown in the 'Carts Awaiting Approval' area

Note: Any cart awaiting approval cannot be removed; however the Standard User can restore it for the purpose of creating new saved carts.

Effects of a Cart Checkout Request

When the Standard User successfully submits a cart checkout request the following occurs:
Standard User:

  • The cart that was submitted for approval is placed in the 'Carts Awaiting Approval' section
  • The Standard User cannot remove the cart until it is either checked out or rejected by the administrator.

Administrative User:

  • An email notification is sent to the selected Adminitrative user. This email notifies the selected administrator that there is a cart for review/checkout.
  • The cart is shown on the administrators 'View Checkout Requests' page

The Standard User 'Saved Carts' interface can become quite busy but there are 4 basic areas:

Interface Notes

Saved Carts

This section stores all named cart saves performed from the shopping cart. Standard Users can request these for checkout.

Carts Awaiting Approval

This section holds all carts that have been requested for checkout but have been neither rejected or checked out by the administrator. Note that when a cart awaiting approval has been either rejected or checkout out by the administrator the cart will return to the Saved Carts section.

Submit a Cart for Approval

This section enables the Standard User to request cart checkout from a specific administrator 

Administrator Users Process

This section details the options available to the Administrative User based on the submission of a cart checkout requested by the standard user.

Viewing a Cart Checkout Request

When a Standard User submits a cart for checkout the Administrator will receive an email notification that this is the case. To view the cart the standard user requested for checkout:
 Log into the Straightsell website:
 From the Account Menu click 'View Checkout Requests'

The page shows the following items:

  • Cart Name - The name of the cart (as set by the Standard User)
  • Checkout Requested By -Which user is requesting checkout
  • Checkout Requested On - The date and time of the checkout request submission

To view the line items and line item notes that makes up the cart:
 Click the 'View Details' button

Rejecting a Cart Checkout Request

To reject a cart that has been requested for checkout:
 Log into the Straightsell website:
 From the Account Menu click 'View Checkout Requests'
 For the cart you wish to reject click the 'Reject Cart' button

This reveals a text area populated with a default message. You have the following options:
 Click 'Confirm' (with or without updating the message text)

  • The cart is removed from the Administrators 'View Checkout Requests' page
  • Standard User is sent a checkout rejected email with the default message
  • Standard User regains full control of the cart again

 Click 'Cancel'

  • This retracts the text area box.

Restoring a Cart Checkout Request

To checkout a cart that has been requested for checkout:
 Log into the Straightsell website:
 From the Account Menu click 'View Checkout Requests'
 For the cart you wish to checkout click the 'Restore Cart' button

 Click 'OK' to continue the cart restore or 'Cancel' to abort.
Note: In order to restore a checkout request cart the active shopping cart must be empty.

Upon Successful Cart Restore:
Message: "Checkout request cart successfully restored." (See picture below)

Upon Unsuccessful Cart Restore:
Message: "Checkout request cart failed to restore. Please clear your active shopping cart and try again."

Checkout of a Cart Checkout Request

Now that the cart is restored the administrator can perform the following actions:

  1. Checkout the cart with no changes: Click 'Checkout'
  2. Change quantities to the cart prior to checkout. Note that if changes are being made to the cart the administrator can at any time press 'Update'. Doing this will update the checkout request cart with the new line items and quantities.
  3. Reject the cart, to do so:

 Click 'Clear Cart'
 Return to the 'View Checkout Requests' page on the Account Menu
 See 2.2.2 to continue.

Effects of a Cart Checkout Request- Checkout/Reject

  1. Upon Full Checkout:

Standard User:

  • Email notification is sent to Standard User indicating checkout request approval; this email includes the order details.
  • The order record is shown in the Standard Users 'Previous Orders' page (Account Menu)
  • The cart is now returned to the 'Saved Carts' area

Administrator User:

  • The order record is shown in the Administrative Users 'Previous Orders' page (Account Menu)
  • The cart checkout request is removed from the 'View Checkout Requests' page

  1. Upon Cart Rejection:

Standard User:

  • Email notification is sent to Standard User indicating checkout request rejection; this email includes any comments added by the administrator.
  • The cart is now returned to the 'Saved Carts' area

Administrator User:

  • The cart checkout request is removed from the 'View Checkout Requests' page.

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