- Go to Content Management > Web Pages and search for site/config/menu_parameters
- Click on this and scroll down to the first page # that is not in use, in the example examples below it is Page 3
For v12 or later Websites
Info |
IMPORTANT: If site/config/menu_parameters does NOT look like the below, please refer to the instructions for v9-11 websites |
Info |
Note: a page not in use will have all its value settings set to false |
- Change all the false values to true
- If you don't want a link to the new page in the header you can leave the first two values as false
- If you don't want a link to the new page in the footer you can leave the last two values as false
- Define a Page Name value and a URL value, in the example below:
- Page Name value is set to Our Partners
- URL value is set to site/pages/our_partners
Info |
Note: the URL value should be the Page Name value in lower case and _ in places of spaces. DO NOT CHANGE OR DELETE the site/pages/ segment. |
- Click Save
For v9-11 Websites
Info |
IMPORTANT: If site/config/menu_parameters does NOT look like the below, please refer to the instructions for v12+ websites |
Info |
Note: a page not in use will have all its value settings set to FALSE |
- Change all the FALSE values to TRUE
- If you don't want a link to the new page in the header you can leave the first two values as FALSE
- If you don't want a link to the new page in the footer you can leave the last two values as FALSE
- Define a Page Name value and a URL value, in the example below:
- Page Name value is set to Our Partners
- URL value is set to site/pages/our_partners
Info |
Note: the URL value should be the Page Name value in lower case and _ in places of spaces. DO NOT CHANGE OR DELETE the site/pages/ segment. |
- Click Save
Refining the Template Page
The template page has been activated however this page still needs to be configured with the correct URL and Title, and the lorem ipsum text removed.
- Return to Content Management > Web Pages and search for site/pages/page_3 (page number will vary depending on what # you activated)
- Click on this and you should see something similar to the below:
Info |
IMPORTANT: If the "PageNamePage[n]" variable is assigned anything other than Page n, it may be in use by custom functionality and should not be changed |
- Edit the Name to match the URL value we defined earlier (site/pages/our_partners)
- Edit theĀ Title to match theĀ Page Name value we defined earlier (Our Partners)
- Edit the page= value to match the URL value we defined earlier (site/pages/our_partners)
- Delete the <p> </p> tags and everything in between, it should look similar to the example below:
- Click Save
Inserting Content
If you view this page on your website now it will be a blank page with a heading of the page name you defined:
- To insert content to this page you will need to utilise the Edit Website functionality from the CMS
- In Edit Mode you will see an Edit Text window that will allow you to insert text, images, and videos:
- You can follow our guide on how to use the Edit Text functionality if you are not familiar with it.
- Once complete, you will have created a new static page and populated it with content: