Ignoring Items
CatalogueLINK Upload will import all active products from your accounting system by default, however in most cases not all products are going to be suitable for your website.
You can use the Ignore function to filter these products.
You can use one of the following types of searches to filter products:
- Item Field begins with
- Item Field starts with
- Item Field contains
- Item Field is equal to
- In this case, we searched for products where Item Name contains Litres, which returned seven results:
- You can then filter the products in the search results by selecting Ignore all items displayed on page.
- Ticking the Add to data conversion rules checkbox ensures any future products imported from the accounting system that contains litres will also be filtered.
Note: The ’Rule’ section displays what action will be executed.
Ensure you take note of this and understand what change you are about to perform as there is no undo feature.
A rule is triggered each time an import occurs.
Products that have been filtered will appear in the Ignored Items listing in the Edit Menu.
Active data conversion rules will be located under Data Conversion Rules in the Edit Menu.
Restore Ignored Items
You can view and restore all items that have been previously ignored in CatalogueLINK Upload.
- Click the Edit menu and select Ignored Items
- Highlight the desired item and select Restore
You will now be asked if you wish to restore pricing information, this refers to the special pricing information for this item, the standard price information is always restored.
- Click Yes
Note: Selecting No will prevent special pricing from being restored and the standard price will be used
Data Conversion Rules
Data Conversion Rules are rules that modify data and are triggered each time an import is performed.
Data conversion rules are created using the Apply Data or Ignore Item functions.
- Click the Edit menu, select Data Conversion Rules
Each rule in this list will be applied upon each import.
To stop a rule being run it must be deleted, existing rules cannot be edited.
- Highlight a Data Conversion Rule
- Click Delete