Product Order Multiple Quantities
This add-on will enable you to specify a number that will be used as a unit multiplier when adding a product to the cart.
A product field; ‘Order Multiples’ will be linked to a field in your accounting system.
The value specified in the ‘Order Multiples’ field will act as a unit multiplier when adding a product to the cart.
Example: A product with a ‘Order Multiples’ value of 5, a customer will be restricted to purchasing quantities of 5, 10, 15, 20 etc…
Product Minimum Order Quantities
This add-on will enable you to specify a number that will be used as a unit minimum when adding a product to the cart.
A product field; ‘Minimum Order’ will be linked to a field in your accounting system.
The ‘Minimum Order’ field will restrict a customer from purchasing a product quantity less than the specified value.
Note: The ‘Order Multiple’ field works in tandem with the ‘Minimum Order’ field.
If the ‘Order Multiple’ is 5 and the ‘Minimum Order’ is 4; a customer will have to order a multiple of 5.
If ‘Minimum Order’ is 5 and ‘Order Multiple’ is 4; a customer will have to order a multiple of 4, with the minimum being 8 units.
Product Maximum Order Quantities
This add-on will enable you to specify a number that will be used as a unit maximum when adding a product to the cart.