The parameters to replace your website's banners (non header image slideshow) depend on the template style you have.
Banner Slideshow Images and Links
Uploading Slideshow images is a two-step process.
Image Upload
The first step is uploading your new Slideshow images to replace your existing images:
Slideshow Image Parameters:
- 870px width x 230px height (normal)
- Name the images slideshow_1.jpg through slideshow_9.jpg
To upload the image, log in to the Straightsell Control Panel and navigate to:
- Content Management > Documents & Images
- Select the Upload tab
- Choose the folder /documents/slideshow_fullwidth - FOR FULL WIDTH STYLE
- Choose the folder /documents/slideshow - FOR OTHER STYLE
- Click Browse and select your image file (or zip file if uploading multiple files)
- Check the Publish box and Uncheck the Optimise JPEGs box
- Click Upload File
Text File Configuration
The second step requires modifying a text file named SlideshowLinks.txt which controls how many images will be displayed.
- Go to Documents & Images – Simple Search.
- Select /documents/slideshow or /documents/slideshow_fullwidth and click List All Files.
- Locate SlideshowLinks.txt and click Download.
- Open the file.
The first line in SlideshowLinks.txt must be slideURL.
- Each subsequent line should have a hash (#) character to display an image, OR a link to a page your website.
- In the below example, the first slideshow image will link to a page on the website, specifically
- The second and third images will display but not link anywhere as they have hashes, not a link.
- Upload the modified SlideshowLinks.txt file into /documents/slideshow or /documents/slideshow_fullwidth