- Buyer File Concept
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The concepts below apply for a Straightsell Catalogue File
The catalogue file is used by customers that have an unintegrated website and is used to manage the website inventory.
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An example Catalogue Item File with the above information can be viewed here. Once open, use the highlighted icon in the image below to download and open file in Excel.
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Catalogue File Fields
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FileFields |
Field | Description | Example Value |
ProductCode | The code of the product | B100 |
ProductName | The name of the product | Corona 24 Pack Carton |
ProductDescription | A description of the product, keep all descriptions on one line (65000 character limit) | This is a bottle of Beer.<br>It’s very refreshing. |
CategoryLevel1 | The first level category (Beer -> Lager -> Cartons) | Beer |
CategoryLevel2 | The second level category (Beer -> Lager -> Cartons) | Lager |
CategoryLevel3 | The third level category (Beer -> Lager -> Cartons) | Cartons |
UNSPSC | United Nations Standard Products and Services Code | - |
ManufacturerName | The name of the manufacturer | Generic Beer Co. |
ManufacturerProductCode | The manufacturer’s product code | BEER01 |
SpecialInstructions | Can be used in addition to the description (400 character limit) | This is a second description |
UnitOfMeasure | The unit for measuring an item (2 character limit e.g. EA for each) | EA |
Weight | Shows an items weight on the website (unrelated to freight) | 7.92kg |
Size | Shows an items size on the website (unrelated to freight) | - |
FreightChargeApplies | The item weight value used for freight rules based on weight e.g. 1 for 1kg or 100 for 100g | 0.6 or 600 |
LeadTime | Time (in days) that it will take for item to be processed. | 2 |
MinimumOrder | The minimum number of a products that must be ordered | 1 |
StandardPrice | The standard (regular) price of a product | 3.20 |
GSTRate | The Tax rate for an item | 10 |
Priority | The higher (1 being the highest) the priority value the sooner it is shown in a category list. | 10 |
IsHidden | Shows (0) or hides (1) a product on the website. | 0 |
AllowStockLevels | Shows (1) or hides (0) an item’s stock balance set in StockBalance | 1 |
StockBalance | Shows (1) or hides (0) the amount of stock on hand for the item | 235 |
AllowNegative | Enables (1) or disables (0) backordering of items for customers | 0 |
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