Conversion Rules

Conversion Rules

A conversion rule will allow you to filter out or change an attribute of a specific group of products.

To create a conversion rule in CloudLINK:

  1. Go to Product Listing (Staging) in the CMS. This is located under the CloudLINK menu.

  2. Select your parameters for what group of products this rule will affect.

    1. In the below example. This conversion rule will affect all products with a product name that contains the word basketball.

NOTE: Product fields will not appear in this drop down unless ‘Use For Rules’ is selected. See Field Mappings

  1. Select Apply Data

  2. The ‘change’ drop-down will select what field that the rule will apply to. The ‘new data’ field will be the data that is applied to all products within the set parameters.

    1. Make sure that ‘all search results’ and ‘add to data conversion rules’ options are selected. This will affect all items within those parameters in CloudLINK and all future items imported from your accounting system

    2. In the below example, Category Level 1 will be changed to ‘Basketball’ if the Product Name contains ‘Basketball’.


Conversion Rules will appear in the ‘Data Rules’ Menu in the CMS. You can remove any rules here, which will end all future conversions within the set parameters.


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