3DSecure Error Messages

3DSecure Error Messages

The Following are the messages returned by the website. The 1st message should be defined as the default message.

Error message returned by FatZebra Gateway

Message displayed by the website templates

Error message returned by FatZebra Gateway

Message displayed by the website templates

3DS error - Bypassed Authentication – 001
3DS error - Authentication not Available on Lookup - 002
3DS error - Unavailable Frictionless Authentication – 003
Enrollment failed. Server error

We use 3D Secure 2.0 for web payments which is an authentication solution designed to protect customers when they shop online using credit or debit cards. We were unable to authenticate your credit card details with your credit card issuer due to the reason below.

<<Display the specific error returned by FatZebra Gateway>>

Please ensure the Contact Name entered is your first name and last name only and try again or use an alternative credit card or choose another form of payment.

3DS error - Unsuccessful Frictionless Authentication – 004
3DS error - Rejected Frictionless Authentication - 005
3DS error - Unsuccessful Step-Up Authentication - 006

We use 3D Secure 2.0 for web payments which is an authentication solution designed to protect customers when they shop online using credit or debit cards. Your transaction attempt has failed for reason below.

<<Display the specific error returned by FatZebra Gateway>>

Please use an alternative credit card or choose another form of payment.

The following are the 3DS2 error messages with some details on each message.

Error message returned by FatZebra Gateway



Visa’s Reference and Recommendation

Error message returned by FatZebra Gateway



Visa’s Reference and Recommendation

3DS error - Bypassed Authentication – 001

The challenge requested by the issuer was bypassed for this transaction.

If the transaction was allowed to continue, it would do so without a liability shift.



3DS error - Authentication not Available on Lookup - 002

A system error prevented authentication on Lookup.

If the transaction was allowed to continue, it would do so without a liability shift.



3DS error - Unavailable Frictionless Authentication – 003

Authentication is unavailable at the time of transaction.

If the transaction was allowed to continue, it would do so without a liability shift.



Enrollment failed. Server error

An error occurred while attempting to authenticate the cardholder.

If the transaction was allowed to continue, it would do so without a liability shift.




3DS error - Unsuccessful Frictionless Authentication – 004

Cardholder authentication without a challenge by the card issuer failed.

It is not recommended to submit this transaction for authorization.


Ask the customer for another form of payment.

3DS error - Rejected Frictionless Authentication - 005

Cardholder authentication was rejected without a challenge by the issuer.

The transaction is not allowed to continue.


Ask the customer for another form of payment.

3DS error - Unsuccessful Step-Up Authentication - 006


The customer was requested to enter a OTP and the OTP was not entered correctly, the step up challenge failed.

The transaction is not allowed to continue.



Ask the customer for another form of payment.