Category Header Text & Images Addon
Category Header Text & Images Addon
Product Category Header Text and Images is an optional Add On that allows you to provide more information when customers are browsing your product categories.
If you have Category Header Text and Images enabled you will need to set up both the text to display and upload an appropriate image.
Please note that your version of Category Header Text and Images will define what options you have to configure.
Version 2 (May 2018 Onwards)
- Go into Content Management - Form Generator and select View Data
Note: You can add a shortcut to your CMS Menu by clicking Edit. Then apply a Group Name (eg. SEO, Categories, Website etc). Then click Update.
- Select Add New
- Fill in each of the following fields:
- Active: Check this to show this Category and Image on the website, uncheck will disable it.
- Apply To Sub Categories: Allows your Category Header and Text entry to apply to all subcategories of the category path you define unless a more specific one exists. Helpful if you want to have some generic images and text you want to apply to a series of categories.
- If this is ticked on a Cat 1: Apply to all Cat 2s and Cat 3s Under the Cat 1 that do not have their own Category Header Text and Image content.
- If this is ticked on a Cat 2: Apply to all Cat 3s under the Cat 2 that do not have their own Category Header Text and Image content.
- If this is ticked on a Cat 3: Will do nothing as there are no subcategories under a Cat3.
- Image: The image that will be displayed
- Text Location: Where the text will displayed on the Category Header
- Text: The text that will be displayed
- Heading Text: The Text that will display above the description.
- Meta Title: The meta title applied to the header.
- Meta Description: The meta description applied to the header.
- Click Save
- Your image and text should now appear under the category path you defined:
, multiple selections available,
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