Sitemap Generator Addon

Note: Integration with Google Feeds is an optional addon please contact support if you are interested in activating this for your website

Once the Google Sitemap addon has been activated on your website, you can:

Integrate the Sitemap with Google Search Console (previously called Webmaster Tools)

The sitemap will be automatically generated daily and will be placed in the /documents/ folder


  • The Content Management > Documents & Images function in the CMS will not show the manually or automatically generated sitemap.txt file

Refine the Sitemap

By default, the Sitemap is formatted as follows:

  • It will exclude:
    • hidden products
    • child products
    • products that have the ExcludeFromSitemap* Custom Field selected
    • Product List pages ending in /pl.php where all products for the Category Level set are excluded per the above 
  • It will include:
    • all Product Detail pages ending in /pd.php unless excluded per above
    • all Product List pages ending in /pl.php unless excluded per above
    • all Search by Brand pages where the Manufacturer Name field is populated, even when the Search by Brand is not enabled for website use, e.g. pages ending with  
      /AdvSearchBrand/<ManufacturerName>/advancedsearch/pl.php where <ManufacturerName> equals the value of the Manufacturer Name field
    • all Blog pages that include /blog/ where the Status of the Blog post is equal to Live
    • all News pages that end in /news.php if the News article exists in the CMS
    • any static or content webpage marked as active in the templates, including pages that are hidden from the public, but are still accessible if you know the exact URL e.g. - is a placeholder page reserved for extra content, see To remove placeholder/hidden pages from your Sitemap below 

* The ExcludeFromSitemap Custom Field is not enabled automatically, so please request this be enabled by the Straightsell support team when required.

Remove placeholder/hidden pages from the Sitemap

  • Go to Content Management > Web Pages
  • Search for the page you want to remove from your sitemap (e.g. page_7)
  • Click on this page and then uncheck the Template Active? checkbox

  • The next time the sitemap is automatically generated it will have removed this page

Download the Sitemap

  • Go to Administration > File Upload/Download and click on the Download tab.
  • From the first drop down menu, select Sitemap then click Download Data File

  • The file will be named sitemap.txt