CatalogueLINK Upload Interface

Prior to the configuration session, CatalogueLINK Upload will be set up and connected to your accounting system.

  • Here we have a screenshot of CatalogueLINK Upload after it has been connected to a Straightsell website and an accounting system

Below is a list of features that can be used within the CatalogueLINK interface:

  1. Menu Bar: Used to access setup, configuration and functions of CatalogueLINK Upload. See the CatalogueLINK Upload User Manual for more information.
  2. Items and Customers Tabs: Displays Items or Customers that you have imported from the accounting system.
  3. Search Bar: Used to search either the Items or Customers tab for records.
  4. View / Edit: Used to view or edit individual products.
  5. Ignore: Used to filter products from appearing on the website. See Filtering Products
  6. Apply Data: Allows you to edit data against products in bulk. See Editing Products
  7. Excel: Export your Items to an Excel file for editing. Useful if you cannot edit your products in your accounting system. This can be covered during a configuration session if required.
  8. Import: Retrieves data from the accounting system.
  9. Upload: Uploads the imported data to the website.
  10. Exit: Closes the program.